Saturday, May 21, 2016

Day 3 SmileDirectClub

Well, so far so good. Yes, I know it's only been two days. I'm really excited to see what my smile will look like.  On my last post I put a video of my 3d scan. I love watching how my teeth move!

At first I was kind of worried about going out to eat at restaurants and having to constantly brush and floss my teeth, but it's really not that bad. When I insert the aligners throughout the day I can tell my teeth are not as sore as the first time I put them in. Maybe my teeth are already moving a bit?

If I didn't mention before, my treatment plan is for 14 months and 20 trays. I will wear each set of trays for 3 weeks(22 hours a day). After completing the treatment I am supposed to buy a retainer and wear that all day for 6 months and then only at nights after that.

I love how affordable SmileDirectClub( formally SmileCareClub) is. My treatment plan is $1,300.


  1. Curious as to what progress has been made. Any updates?

  2. Sorry I moved to a place that doesn't have Internet. I stopped using them because I've been constantly dizzy and I quit the program because I thought that might be contributing to it.
